1. Test Your ApoB Levels

An ApoB blood test tells you the total amount of particles in your blood that contribute to plaque buildup in your arteries. It is important to know your ApoB levels so you can assess your risk for cardiovascular disease more precisely than traditional cholesterol tests.

2. Test Your Lipoprotein(a) Levels

This little known test is a hidden gem when it comes to assessing your risk of plaque formation.It's a genetic factor that can fly under the radar in standard cholesterol tests, but it's a crucial piece of the puzzle in preventing heart disease.

3. Screen for Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Disease

Insulin resistance and metabolic disease factors play a huge role in your overall health and longevity, yet they often get overlooked in routine screenings.

4. Check your APOE Genetic Marker

If you have family history of dementia or Alzheimer's, check your APOE genetic marker. This marker isn't just about your heart health. It can also give you insight into your risk of Alzheimer's or dementia. It's another reason why personalized testing is so important in assessing your individual risk factors.